Bob Automates Tasks with Bash and Custom Scripts on AlmaLinux

By writing scripts to streamline repetitive tasks, he aimed to enhance his productivity and reduce manual work across his AlmaLinux systems.

Bob’s next challenge was to master Bash scripting, the cornerstone of Linux automation. By writing scripts to streamline repetitive tasks, he aimed to enhance his productivity and reduce manual work across his AlmaLinux systems.

“Why do it manually when I can write a script to do it for me?” Bob said as he opened his terminal to dive into automation.

Chapter Outline: “Bob Automates Tasks with Bash and Custom Scripts”

  1. Introduction: Why Learn Bash Scripting?

    • Benefits of automation with Bash.
    • Real-world use cases.
  2. Bash Scripting Basics

    • Writing and running a simple script.
    • Using variables and arguments.
  3. Conditional Statements and Loops

    • Automating decisions with if, else, and case.
    • Processing data with for and while loops.
  4. Interacting with Files and Directories

    • Automating file operations.
    • Managing logs and backups.
  5. Writing Advanced Scripts

    • Using functions for modular scripting.
    • Integrating system commands for powerful scripts.
  6. Scheduling Scripts with Cron

    • Automating script execution with cron.
    • Managing logs for scheduled tasks.
  7. Conclusion: Bob Reflects on Scripting Mastery

Part 1: Introduction: Why Learn Bash Scripting?

Bob learned that Bash scripting allows sysadmins to automate tasks, create custom tools, and handle complex operations with ease. Whether it’s managing files, monitoring systems, or deploying applications, Bash is indispensable.

Use Cases for Bash Scripting

  • Automating system updates.
  • Managing backups and logs.
  • Monitoring resource usage.

“With Bash, I can automate almost anything on AlmaLinux!” Bob noted.

Part 2: Bash Scripting Basics

Step 1: Writing and Running a Simple Script

  • Create a script file:

  • Add the following content:

    echo "Hello, AlmaLinux!"
  • Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  • Run the script:


Step 2: Using Variables and Arguments

  • Modify the script to accept arguments:

    echo "Hello, $1! Welcome to $2."
  • Run the script with arguments:

    ./ Bob "AlmaLinux"

“Scripts can take inputs to make them more flexible!” Bob said.

Part 3: Conditional Statements and Loops

Step 1: Using if, else, and case

Bob wrote a script to check disk usage:

disk_usage=$(df / | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//')

if [ $disk_usage -gt 80 ]; then
  echo "Disk usage is critically high: ${disk_usage}%"
  echo "Disk usage is under control: ${disk_usage}%"

Step 2: Using Loops

  • for Loop**: Bob automated file processing:

    for file in *.txt; do
      echo "Processing $file"
      mv "$file" /backup/
  • While Loop: Monitoring a service:

    while true; do
      if ! systemctl is-active --quiet nginx; then
        echo "NGINX is down! Restarting..."
        sudo systemctl restart nginx
      sleep 60

“Loops make it easy to handle repetitive tasks!” Bob noted.

Part 4: Interacting with Files and Directories

Step 1: Automating File Operations

Bob wrote a script to archive logs:

timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d)

mkdir -p $archive_dir
tar -czf $archive_dir/logs_$timestamp.tar.gz $log_dir
echo "Logs archived to $archive_dir/logs_$timestamp.tar.gz"

Step 2: Managing Backups

  • Create a backup script:

    rsync -av /home/bob /mnt/backup/
    echo "Backup completed at $(date)" >> /var/log/backup.log

“With scripts, backups happen without a second thought!” Bob said.

Part 5: Writing Advanced Scripts

Step 1: Using Functions

Bob modularized his scripts with functions:


check_disk() {
  disk_usage=$(df / | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//')
  echo "Disk usage: ${disk_usage}%"

backup_files() {
  rsync -av /home/bob /mnt/backup/
  echo "Backup completed."


Step 2: Integrating System Commands

  • Bob created a script to monitor CPU usage:

    top -b -n1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print "CPU Usage: " $2 "%"}'

“Functions keep my scripts organized and reusable!” Bob said.

Part 6: Scheduling Scripts with Cron

Step 1: Automating Script Execution

Bob scheduled a script to run daily:

  • Edit the cron table:

    crontab -e
  • Add a job to archive logs at midnight:

    0 0 * * * /home/bob/

Step 2: Managing Cron Logs

  • Enable cron logging:

    sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf
  • Uncomment:

    cron.* /var/log/cron.log
  • Restart rsyslog:

    sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

“Scheduled scripts keep my systems running smoothly around the clock!” Bob said.

Conclusion: Bob Reflects on Scripting Mastery

Bob mastered Bash scripting to automate tasks like backups, monitoring, and log management. With custom scripts and cron scheduling, he saved hours of manual work every week.

Next, Bob plans to explore AlmaLinux for Database Management, diving into MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Last modified 13.01.2025: formating changes. (a0ec299)