Bob Explores AR/VR Workloads with Kubernetes on AlmaLinux

The complexities of deploying and managing Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality workloads on Kubernetes on real-time rendering for immersive experiences.

Let’s dive into Chapter 49, “Bob Explores AR/VR Workloads with Kubernetes!”. In this chapter, Bob tackles the complexities of deploying and managing Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) workloads on Kubernetes, focusing on real-time rendering, low latency, and scalable deployment for immersive experiences.

1. Introduction: Why Kubernetes for AR/VR?

Bob’s team is developing an AR/VR application that requires low-latency processing, real-time rendering, and scalability to serve multiple users. Kubernetes offers the flexibility to manage these demanding workloads efficiently.

“AR and VR need high performance and low latency—Kubernetes, let’s make it happen!” Bob says, ready to build.

2. Setting Up GPU Nodes for AR/VR

Bob starts by ensuring his Kubernetes cluster is equipped for graphics-intensive workloads.

  • Configuring GPU Nodes:

    • Bob labels GPU-enabled nodes:

      kubectl label nodes gpu-node hardware-type=gpu
  • Installing the NVIDIA GPU Operator:

    • He sets up GPU support with the NVIDIA GPU Operator:

      helm repo add nvidia
      helm install gpu-operator nvidia/gpu-operator

“GPU nodes are essential for rendering AR/VR environments!” Bob says.

3. Deploying a Real-Time Rendering Engine

Bob deploys Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming for real-time rendering.

  • Building the Rendering Application:

    • Bob uses Unreal Engine to create a 3D environment for VR.
  • Containerizing the Application:

    • He packages the Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming server in a container:

      FROM nvidia/cuda:11.4-base
      RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y unreal-pixel-streaming
      CMD ["./run-rendering-server"]
  • Deploying the Renderer:

    • Bob deploys the rendering engine to GPU nodes:

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: arvr-renderer
        replicas: 2
            - name: renderer
              image: myrepo/arvr-renderer:latest

“My rendering engine is live and ready to stream immersive experiences!” Bob says.

4. Streaming AR/VR Content

Bob integrates WebRTC to stream AR/VR experiences to end users.

  • Deploying a WebRTC Gateway:

    • Bob uses Kurento Media Server for WebRTC streaming:

      helm repo add kurento
      helm install kurento-gateway kurento/kurento-media-server
  • Connecting the Renderer to WebRTC:

    • Bob configures the rendering engine to send streams to Kurento:

      ./rendering-server --webrtc-endpoint ws://kurento-gateway

“WebRTC streams my AR/VR world with ultra-low latency!” Bob notes.

5. Scaling AR/VR Workloads

Bob ensures his AR/VR application can handle increasing user demand.

  • Using Horizontal Pod Autoscaling:

    • Bob configures autoscaling for the rendering engine:

      apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
      kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
        name: arvr-hpa
          apiVersion: apps/v1
          kind: Deployment
          name: arvr-renderer
        minReplicas: 2
        maxReplicas: 10
        - type: Resource
            name: gpu
            targetAverageUtilization: 70
  • Testing with Load:

    • Bob simulates multiple users and observes the cluster scaling up.

“Autoscaling keeps my AR/VR experience smooth for all users!” Bob says.

6. Adding AI for AR/VR Interactions

Bob integrates AI to enhance AR/VR experiences with smart interactions.

  • Deploying AI Models for Object Detection:

    • Bob sets up an AI service to recognize objects in the VR environment:

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: ai-object-detection
        replicas: 1
            - name: ai
              image: myrepo/ai-object-detection:latest
  • Connecting AI to AR/VR Application:

    • He modifies the renderer to query the AI service for object detection results.

“AI adds intelligence to my AR/VR worlds—users can interact in amazing ways!” Bob says.

7. Storing AR/VR Data

Bob sets up a database to store user-generated content and session data.

  • Using MongoDB for Content Storage:

    • Bob deploys MongoDB to store 3D assets and user data:

      helm repo add bitnami
      helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb
  • Ingesting User Data:

    • He writes a script to store session analytics in MongoDB:

      from pymongo import MongoClient
      client = MongoClient("mongodb://mongodb-service")
      db = client.arvr_sessions
      db.sessions.insert_one({"user": "alice", "time_spent": "30m"})

“MongoDB keeps track of everything happening in my AR/VR world!” Bob says.

8. Ensuring Security for AR/VR Workloads

Bob secures user data and AR/VR streams.

  • Encrypting Data in Transit:

    • Bob enables TLS for WebRTC streams:

      openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out webrtc.crt -keyout webrtc.key
  • Restricting User Access:

    • He applies RBAC to limit access to sensitive AR/VR workloads:

      kind: Role
        name: arvr-role
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods", "services"]
        verbs: ["get", "list", "create"]

“Security ensures user privacy and protects my AR/VR environment!” Bob notes.

9. Monitoring AR/VR Performance

Bob integrates monitoring tools to track the performance of AR/VR applications.

  • Using Prometheus and Grafana:

    • Bob sets up metrics to monitor GPU utilization, rendering latency, and user concurrency.
    • He creates dashboards for real-time insights.
  • Configuring Alerts:

    • Bob adds alerts for latency spikes:

      - name: arvr-alerts
        - alert: HighLatency
          expr: rendering_latency_seconds > 0.1
          for: 5m
            severity: warning

“Monitoring ensures my AR/VR experience is always smooth!” Bob says.

10. Conclusion: Bob’s AR/VR Breakthrough

With GPU acceleration, real-time rendering, AI-driven interactions, and scalable infrastructure, Bob has successfully built an AR/VR environment powered by Kubernetes. His setup enables immersive experiences for users with high performance and reliability.

Next, Bob plans to explore Kubernetes for Serverless AI Applications, combining serverless architecture with AI-powered services.

Stay tuned for the next chapter: “Bob Builds Serverless AI Applications with Kubernetes!”

Last modified 15.02.2025: new content edits. (5c21fd0)