Calculate square root of an integer with cmath library in C++

The provided C++ code is a simple program that calculates the square root of a user-provided number. It begins by including the necessary libraries, iostream for input/output operations and cmath for mathematical operations.


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

// Main function of the program
int main() {
    // Declare a float variable to store the user's input
    float inputNumber;

    // Prompt the user to enter a number
    cout << "Enter a number to calculate its square root: ";
    // Store the user's input in the variable
    cin >> inputNumber;

    // Check if the input number is non-negative
    if (inputNumber >= 0.0) {
        // Calculate the square root of the input number
        float squareRoot = sqrt(inputNumber);
        // Print the input number
        cout << "Input number: " << inputNumber << " ";
        // Print the square root of the input number
        cout << "Square root: " << squareRoot << " ";


The provided C++ code is a simple program that calculates the square root of a user-provided number. It begins by including the necessary libraries, iostream for input/output operations and cmath for mathematical operations.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

The main function of the program starts with the declaration of a float variable inputNumber which is used to store the user’s input.

float inputNumber;

The program then prompts the user to enter a number using cout and stores the user’s input in the inputNumber variable using cin.

cout << "Enter a number to calculate its square root: ";
cin >> inputNumber;

The program checks if the input number is non-negative using an if statement. This is important because the square root of a negative number is not a real number and would result in an error.

if (inputNumber >= 0.0) {```

Inside the `if` statement, the program calculates the square root of the input number using the `sqrt` function from the `cmath` library and stores the result in the `squareRoot` variable.

float squareRoot = sqrt(inputNumber);

Finally, the program prints the input number and its square root using cout.

cout << "Input number: " << inputNumber << " ";
cout << "Square root: " << squareRoot << " ";

This code is a simple demonstration of user input, conditional statements, and mathematical operations in C++.


Enter a number to calculate its square root: 15
Input number: 15
Square root: 3.87298

Process finished with exit code 0```

Last modified 30.01.2025: some category arrangements (cffe35f)