Constants and variables in Kotlin

We introduced the topic of defining variables and assigning values in the Kotlin programming language in our previous article. In this article, we will take a closer look at assigning values with const and val.

We introduced the topic of defining variables and assigning values in the Kotlin programming language in our previous article. In this article, we will take a closer look at assigning values with const and val.

val variables

The code below defines two variables, an integer containing the constant number pi and a String value named helloMsg. These values cannot be changed again after they are first assigned.

fun main() {
    val pi = 3.1415
    val helloMsg = "Hello"

    println(pi)       // 3.1415
    println(helloMsg) // Hello

Let’s try to assign a new value to the pi variable, which is defined with the val keyword and assigned its initial value. As seen in the example below, when we want to assign a new value to the number pi, you receive the error “Val cannot be reassigned”.

fun main() {
val pi = 3.1415
val helloMsg = "Hello"

println(pi) // 3.1415
println(helloMsg) // Hello

pi = 3.1416 // Val cannot be reassigned

You cannot use a variable that is defined with val but has not been initialized, that is, has not been initialized, in your commands. Let’s explain this with an example. With the code below, the variable named boolFalse is defined with val, but since its initial value (True or False) is not assigned even though its type is specified as Boolean, you will receive the error message “Variable ‘boolFalse’ must be initialized”.

val boolFalse: Boolean
println(boolFalse) // error line```

Correct usage should be as follows.

val boolFalse: Boolean // not initialized
    boolFalse = false      // initialized
    println(boolFalse)     // no errors here```

## const variables

In Kotlin programming, there is a constant value assignment method in which the `const` keyword and the `val` expression are defined together. With this method, the constant value is created when the program codes are compiled and cannot be changed again. As a rule, it is recommended that the names of variables defined as `const` be in all CAPITAL LETTERS. 

const val WRITER_NAME = "JOHN DOE"```

There are some rules for defining a constant value in this way.

* Only String and INT, CHAR, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN data types, which we call primary types, can be assigned to constant values. An example of this is shown below.

* Constants should be defined outside functions. They cannot be defined with a const statement within a function.

const val CONST_INT = 256
const val CONST_DOUBLE = 3.14
const val CONST_CHAR = 'f'
const val CONST_STRING = "I am constant"
const val CONST_ARRAY = arrayOf(1, 2, 3) // error: only primitives and strings are allowed
fun main() {


These explanations and rules may seem a bit confusing at first. Remember that these are necessary for the written code to work correctly and without errors. As you practice, you will become more familiar with these rules.

Last modified 30.01.2025: some category arrangements (cffe35f)