Jetpack Compose UI Framework

Jetpack Compose UI framework documentation

Curriculum for Learning Jetpack Compose

A structured curriculum for learning Jetpack Compose, a modern UI framework for Android development.

Understanding Jetpack Compose for Android UI Design

Learn what Jetpack Compose is, its key features, advantages over XML-based layouts, and how to get started using it to build intuitive Android applications.

Differences Between Jetpack Compose and XML-Based UI in Android Development

Explore the key differences between Jetpack Compose and XML-based UI in Android development, comparing their approaches, performance, state management, theming, and more.

Benefits of Using Jetpack Compose

Explore the benefits of using Jetpack Compose for Android UI development, including declarative UI, reduced boilerplate code, improved performance, and more.

How Jetpack Compose Integrates with Existing Android Applications

Learn how Jetpack Compose integrates with existing Android applications, allowing for a gradual migration to the modern UI toolkit.

Installing Android Studio with Jetpack Compose Support

Learn how to install Android Studio with Jetpack Compose support to start building modern UIs in Android apps.

Snapshot Testing for UI Consistency in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to implement snapshot testing for UI consistency in Jetpack Compose.

Creating a New Jetpack Compose Project

A step-by-step guide to creating a new Jetpack Compose project in Android Studio, from setting up the development environment to writing your first Composable function.

Understanding Project Structure in Jetpack Compose

Learn about the standard project structure in Jetpack Compose and best practices for organizing your code effectively.

Writing Your First Android Studio Jetpack Composable Function

Learn how to write your first Jetpack Composable function in Android Studio, the building block of modern UI development on Android.

Understanding @Composable Annotation in Jetpack Compose

A blog post explaining what @Composable functions are, how they work, best practices for using them, and common pitfalls to avoid.

Using Preview Functions to Visualize UI Components on Jetpack Compose

Learn how to use the @Preview annotation in Jetpack Compose to visualize UI components directly within Android Studio, improving development speed and productivity.

Basic Composables Text, Button, Image, and More

Learn about Jetpack Compose’s basic composables: Text, Button, Image, and more.

Using Modifiers to Customize UI Components on Jetpack Compose

Learn how to use Modifiers to customize UI components in Jetpack Compose.

Understanding Recomposition and How It Affects Performance in Jetpack Compose

Understanding Recomposition and How It Affects Performance in Jetpack Compose

Column, Row, and Box Layouts in Jetpack Compose

A comprehensive guide to using Column, Row, and Box layouts in Jetpack Compose for structuring UI elements efficiently.

Using LazyColumn and LazyRow for Lists in Jetpack Compose

This article explains how to use LazyColumn and LazyRow in Jetpack Compose, what they are, how they work, and how to use them to create smooth and efficient lists in Jetpack Compose.

Alignments and Arrangements in Jetpack Compose

A comprehensive guide to understanding alignments and arrangements in Jetpack Compose for building flexible and responsive UIs in Android applications.

Understanding State in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to manage state in Jetpack Compose to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

Using `remember` and `mutableStateOf` in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to use remember and mutableStateOf in Jetpack Compose for efficient state management in Android apps.

Handling State Changes Efficiently in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to optimize state handling in Jetpack Compose to improve app performance and user experience.

ViewModel Integration with Jetpack Compose

Learn how to effectively integrate ViewModels with Jetpack Compose, examine best practices, and look at practical examples to help you implement this pattern in your own projects.

Clickable Components in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to create clickable components in Jetpack Compose, handle user interactions, and provide visual feedback for a better user experience.

Handling Gestures and Touch Events in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to handle gestures and touch events in Jetpack Compose

Working with Text Fields and Form Validation in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to work with text fields and form validation in Jetpack Compose.

Setting Up Navigation Compose in Jetpack Compose

A step-by-step guide to setting up Navigation Compose in Jetpack Compose.

Passing Arguments Between Composables in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose provides various methods for passing arguments between composables for efficient data sharing and state management.

Navigation with ViewModels and State Preservation in Jetpack Compose

Navigating through Jetpack Compose apps with ViewModels and state preservation

Basic Animations with animate*AsState in Jetpack Compose

A guide on using animate*AsState functions for basic animations in Jetpack Compose.

Transition Animations Between Screens in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to implement transition animations in Jetpack Compose to create smooth transitions between screens.

Custom Animations Using `rememberInfiniteTransition` in Jetpack Compose

A guide on using rememberInfiniteTransition to create custom animations in Jetpack Compose.

Understanding Material Design Principles in Jetpack Compose

A blog post about understanding Material Design Principles in Jetpack Compose.

Implementing Dark Mode and Dynamic Theming in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to integrate dark mode into a Jetpack Compose app, implement dynamic theming, and allow users to toggle between light and dark modes seamlessly.

Creating Custom Themes and Typography in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to create custom themes and typography in Jetpack Compose, a modern UI framework for Android development.

Understanding LazyColumn and LazyRow Optimizations in Jetpack Compose

A blog post on understanding LazyColumn and LazyRow optimizations in Jetpack Compose.

Using Item Keys for Efficient Recomposition in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to use item keys effectively to optimize recomposition in Jetpack Compose

Implementing Sticky Headers and Grid Lists in Jetpack Compose

This article explains how to implement sticky headers and grid lists in Jetpack Compose, a modern toolkit for building native UI.

Using Compose Inside Existing XML-Based Projects in Jetpack Compose

This article explains how to use Jetpack Compose inside existing XML-based projects, its benefits, and best practices for a seamless integration.

Embedding XML Views in Compose using AndroidView in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to embed XML views in Jetpack Compose using the AndroidView API.

Migrating an Existing XML-Based App to Jetpack Compose

Guiding you through the process of migrating an existing XML-based app to Jetpack Compose.

Integration with Room Database in Jetpack Compose

This article explores how to integrate Room database with Jetpack Compose to create a seamless data-driven UI for Android apps.

Using Hilt for Dependency Injection in Jetpack Compose

A blog post explaining how to use Hilt for dependency injection in Jetpack Compose.

Handling Network Requests with Retrofit and Compose in Jetpack Compose

Handling network requests with Retrofit and Compose in Jetpack Compose

Understanding Recomposition and Skipping Unnecessary Recompositions in Jetpack Compose

This article explains what recomposition is, why it happens, and strategies to minimize unnecessary recompositions in Jetpack Compose.

Using `remember` and `derivedStateOf` for Efficiency in Jetpack Compose

This article explores how to use remember and derivedStateOf effectively in Jetpack Compose to optimize performance and avoid unnecessary recompositions.

Profiling UI Performance in Android Studio with Jetpack Compose

This article explains how to profile UI performance in Android Studio with Jetpack Compose.

Writing UI Tests with ComposeTestRule in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to write UI tests for Jetpack Compose applications using ComposeTestRule.

Using Espresso and UIAutomator with Compose in Jetpack Compose

This article explains how to use Espresso and UIAutomator to test Jetpack Compose applications.

Building a Simple CRUD App Using Jetpack Compose and Room

Learn how to build a simple CRUD app using Jetpack Compose and Room

Implementing Authentication with Firebase in Jetpack Compose

A blog post on implementing authentication with Firebase in a Jetpack Compose application.

Creating a Real-Time Chat Application in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to create a real-time chat application using Jetpack Compose, Firebase, and WebSockets.

Preparing for Google Play Store Submission in Jetpack Compose

Guidelines for preparing your Jetpack Compose app for Google Play Store submission.

Continuous Integration (CI/CD) for Jetpack Compose Apps

This article explores the best practices and tools for implementing Continuous Integration (CI/CD) workflows for Jetpack Compose apps, helping developers streamline their development process.

Keeping Up with Compose Updates and Best Practices in Jetpack Compose

Learn how to stay updated with Compose updates, find the latest resources, and best practices to make the most out of Jetpack Compose in your Android projects.

Last modified 25.02.2025: new content (22c41b1)