Advanced Kotlin Topics

You can find docs about Advanced Kotlin Topics in this section

Coroutine Basics in Kotlin

This guide explains the basics of coroutines in Kotlin, including what they are, how they work, and how to implement them in your projects.

Launching Coroutines in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to launching coroutines in Kotlin, including different coroutine builders, scopes, and best practices for effective concurrency.

Jobs and Cancellation in Kotlin Programming Language

Learn how Kotlin handles job scheduling and cancellation, best practices for managing jobs efficiently, and job opportunities for Kotlin developers.

Coroutine Context in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to Coroutine Context in Kotlin, covering its components, usage, and best practices for managing coroutine

Dispatchers in Kotlin Programming Language

we will explore the concept of Dispatchers in Kotlin, how they work, and best practices for using them effectively.

Channels in Kotlin Programming Language

we will dive deep into Channels in Kotlin, exploring their types, implementation, use cases, and best practices.

Flow API in Kotlin Programming Language

we will dive deep into Flow API in Kotlin, exploring its features, advantages, and real-world use cases.

Exception Handling in Kotlin

We will explore how exception handling works in Kotlin and examine best practices for implementing error handling in your applications.

Testing Coroutines in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to testing coroutines in Kotlin applications using the kotlinx-coroutines-test library.

Structured Concurrency in Kotlin

This guide explores structured concurrency in Kotlin and demonstrates how to implement it effectively in your applications.

Calling Java from Kotlin

This guide explores how to effectively call Java code from Kotlin, covering common patterns, potential pitfalls, and best practices for smooth integration between the two languages.

Calling Kotlin from Java

A comprehensive guide to calling Kotlin code from Java applications, covering essential concepts, best practices, and common patterns.

Platform Types in Kotlin

This article explores platform types, their behavior, and best practices for handling them effectively

SAM Conversions in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to SAM (Single Abstract Method) conversions in Kotlin, including usage patterns, best practices, and advanced topics.

Understanding @JvmStatic and @JvmField in Kotlin

Learn how to use @JvmStatic and @JvmField annotations in Kotlin to optimize Java interop and improve code readability.

DSL Building on Kotlin Programming Language

A comprehensive guide to building Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) in Kotlin, leveraging its powerful features for DSL development.

Multiplatform Development on Kotlin Programming Language

Multiplatform Development on Kotlin Programming Language

Testing in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to testing in Kotlin, including types of testing, popular frameworks, and best practices.

Dependency Injection in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to Dependency Injection in Kotlin, covering concepts, benefits, and different DI frameworks like Dagger, Koin, and Hilt.

Build Tools (Gradle) in Kotlin Programming Language

Learn about Gradle, a powerful build automation tool for Kotlin projects, and how to set it up, manage dependencies, and write custom tasks using Kotlin DSL.

Architecture Patterns in Kotlin Programming Language

A comprehensive guide to architecture patterns in Kotlin programming language, including Clean Architecture, MVVM, Repository Pattern, Dependency Injection, Factory Pattern, and Reactive Programming with Flow.

Best Practices in Kotlin Programming Language

This comprehensive guide explores the essential best practices that every Kotlin developer should know.

Code Organization in Kotlin Programming Language

A comprehensive guide to organizing Kotlin code effectively for readability and maintainability

Performance Optimization in Kotlin Programming Language

A comprehensive guide to performance optimization in Kotlin programming language, covering memory optimization, collection processing, coroutines, lazy initialization, string optimization, function inlining, cache optimization, bitmap and image optimization, data class optimization, and measurement and profiling.

Documentation in Kotlin Programming Language

A comprehensive guide to creating effective documentation in Kotlin programming projects, covering code-level documentation, package documentation, API documentation, and more.

Building a Console Calculator in Kotlin

Learn how to build a console calculator in Kotlin that performs basic arithmetic operations. This tutorial covers setting up the Kotlin environment, implementing the calculator logic, handling user input, and enhancing the calculator with additional features.

Building a To-Do List Console Application Using Kotlin

Learn how to build a To-Do List Console Application using Kotlin programming language. This project covers key concepts like data handling, user input, and file management.

Simple File Parser Console Application in Kotlin

Learn how to create a simple file parser console application in Kotlin. We will cover reading files, parsing content, handling errors, and implementing basic operations to extract and display structured information.

Last modified 25.02.2025: new content (22c41b1)