Kotlin Fundamentals

Kotlin programming fundamentals for beginners

History and Purpose of Kotlin Programming Language

A comprehensive guide to learning Kotlin programming from basics to advanced concepts

Kotlin vs. Java: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Their Differences

A comprehensive guide to understanding the differences between Kotlin and Java

Setting Up Kotlin Development Environment

A guide to setting up a Kotlin development environment, including command-line tools, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, and VS Code.

Variables and Data Types in Kotlin

A guide to variables and data types in Kotlin

Val vs Var: Detailed Explanation in Kotlin Programming Language

A guide to understanding the differences between val and var in Kotlin programming language

Type Inference in Kotlin: A Deep Dive

Type inference is a powerful feature in Kotlin that enhances code readability, reduces verbosity, and ensures type safety.

Basic Operators in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to learning Kotlin programming from basics to advanced concepts

String Templates in Kotlin

We will explore string templates in Kotlin in detail. We will discuss how they work, their advantages, and best practices, along with practical examples to help you master this feature.

If/Else Expressions in Kotlin

We learn how to use if/else expressions in Kotlin in this comprehensive guide. We will discuss their syntax, various use cases, and best practices, along with examples to help you master this essential concept.

When Expressions in Kotlin

We will explore the when expression in Kotlin, which allows you to evaluate a value against multiple conditions and execute the corresponding block of code.

Loops in Kotlin

We learn how to use loops in Kotlin in this comprehensive guide. We will discuss their syntax, various use cases, and best practices, along with examples to help you master this essential concept.

Mastering Kotlin For Loops: A Comprehensive Guide

We will explore various types of for loops in Kotlin and their practical applications

While Loops in Kotlin

We will explore the various aspects of while loops in Kotlin, including their syntax, use cases, and best practices

Do-while Loops in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to understand do-while loops in Kotlin, their syntax, use cases, best practices, and common pitfalls to avoid.

Nested Loops in Kotlin

This article explains the concept of nested loops in Kotlin, their implementation, use cases, and best practices.

Ranges in Kotlin

We will explore ranges in Kotlin and their usage in loops, conditional expressions, and collection processing.

Jump Expressions in Kotlin

We will explore the break, continue, and return expressions in Kotlin.

Function Declarations in Kotlin

Learn about function declarations in Kotlin, including basic syntax, single-expression functions, default parameter values, and more.

Parameters and Return Types in Kotlin

We will explore the various aspects of parameters and return types in Kotlin, from basic concepts to advanced features.

Single-Expression Functions in Kotlin

Learn how to use single-expression functions in Kotlin to simplify your code.

Default Arguments in Kotlin Functions

A complete guide to default arguments in Kotlin functions, including their benefits, usage patterns, and best practices.

Named Arguments in Kotlin

Named arguments are a powerful feature in Kotlin that significantly improve code clarity and maintainability.

Extension Functions in Kotlin

Extension functions are one of Kotlin’s most powerful features, allowing developers to add new functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code or using inheritance.

Kotlin Code Example for Extension Functions

Kotlin code example for extension functions

Collections in Kotlin Lists, Sets, and Maps

we will explore the three main collection types in Kotlin Lists, Sets, and Maps, along with their mutable and immutable variants.

Mutable vs Immutable Collections in Kotlin

In this guide, we’ll explore the differences, benefits, and use cases of mutable and immutable collections in Kotlin.

Collection Operations in Kotlin

A comprehensive guide to mastering collection operations in Kotlin

Sequences in Kotlin Collections

We will explore the benefits of sequences in Kotlin, their use cases, and how they differ from regular collections.

Nullable Types and Null Safety in Kotlin

This article explores nullable types, null safety, and best practices for handling nullability in Kotlin

Safe Calls in Kotlin Null Safety

A comprehensive guide to learning Kotlin programming from basics to advanced concepts

The Elvis Operator in Kotlin

This article explores the Elvis operator in Kotlin, a concise way to handle nulls with grace and style

Not-Null Assertions in Kotlin

This article explores not-null assertions in Kotlin, a feature that allows developers to override the null safety checks made by the compiler.

Smart Casts in Kotlin: Bridging the Gap Between Nullable and Non-Nullable Types

This article explores smart casts, their mechanics, benefits, limitations, and best practices.

Last modified 25.02.2025: new content (22c41b1)