Object-Oriented Programming

You can find docs about object-oriented programming in this section

Class Declaration and Properties in Kotlin Programming Language

In this article, we will explore class declarations in Kotlin, how properties are defined and managed, and key features that make Kotlin a preferred choice over Java.

Primary and Secondary Constructors in Classes and Properties in Kotlin

One of the key aspects of Kotlin’s object-oriented programming capabilities is its support for constructors in classes and properties.

Properties and Backing Fields in Kotlin

We will explore properties and backing fields in Kotlin, covering their usage, benefits, and best practices.

Getters and Setters in Kotlin Programming Language

Getters and setters are used in object-oriented programming to provide controlled access to class properties.

Late-initialized Properties in Classes and Properties in Kotlin

Learn about late-initialized properties, their usage, alternatives, and best practices in Kotlin classes.

Open Classes in Kotlin Programming Language

In this article, we will explore open classes in Kotlin, why they are necessary, how they work, and how they compare to other OOP paradigms in different languages.

Abstract Classes in Kotlin

In this guide, we will explore what abstract classes are, how they work in Kotlin, their advantages, and best practices for using them effectively.

Interfaces in Kotlin

An in-depth guide to interfaces in Kotlin, including syntax, key features, practical use cases, and best practices for using them effectively in your Kotlin applications.

Method Overriding in Kotlin

Learn how to override methods in Kotlin, a popular programming language for Android development.

Property Overriding in Kotlin Programming Language

This article explores the concept of property overriding in Kotlin, including its syntax, rules, and practical use cases.

Visibility Modifiers in Kotlin

Learn about the visibility modifiers in Kotlin, their usage, and best practices for using them effectively.

Data Classes in Kotlin

This article explains data classes in Kotlin, their use cases, benefits, and best practices for implementation.

Sealed Classes in Kotlin

This article explains the concept of sealed classes in Kotlin, their purpose, benefits, and real-world applications.

Enum Classes in Kotlin

This article explains what enum classes are, how to use them effectively, and some advanced techniques to make the most out of them in your Kotlin applications.

Object Declarations in Kotlin

Object declarations are a powerful feature in Kotlin that simplifies many common programming patterns.

Companion Objects in Kotlin

We will explore how companion objects work, their capabilities, and best practices for using them effectively in your Kotlin applications.

Generic Classes in Kotlin

Generic classes in Kotlin: A comprehensive guide to using generics to create flexible and reusable code

Generic Functions in Kotlin

Learn how to use generic functions in Kotlin to write reusable and type-safe code.

Type Projections in Kotlin

Type projections are a powerful feature in Kotlin that help manage generic types while maintaining type safety.

Variance (in/out) in Kotlin Programming Language

This article explores variance in Kotlin, a powerful feature that allows developers to handle subtyping relationships in generic types.

Reified Type Parameters in Kotlin

This article explores reified type parameters in Kotlin, a feature that allows developers to retain type information at runtime.

Class Delegation in Kotlin: A Powerful Alternative to Inheritance

This article explores class delegation in Kotlin, its advantages, and practical use cases.

Property Delegation in Kotlin

This article explores property delegation in Kotlin, its use cases, built-in delegates, and how to create custom delegates.

Observable Properties in Kotlin

Learn about observable properties in Kotlin programming language.

Lazy Properties in Kotlin

Lazy properties in Kotlin are a way to initialize an object or value only when it is first accessed.

Delegates.observable() in Kotlin

Learn about Delegates.observable() in Kotlin programming language.

Last modified 25.02.2025: new content (22c41b1)