Learning Front Matter CMS on Visual Studio Code with HUGO

I am trying to learn Front Matter CMS on Visual Studio Code with HUGO static web site generator.

Introduction to Learning Front Matter CMS on Visual Studio Code with HUGO

Building modern static websites requires efficiency, flexibility, and robust content management tools. Combining Hugo—a powerful static site generator—with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Front Matter CMS simplifies content creation and editing for both technical and non-technical users. In this guide, we’ll explore how to seamlessly integrate and work with Front Matter CMS within Visual Studio Code while developing sites using Hugo.

What is Hugo?

Hugo is one of the fastest static site generators available today. Unlike traditional content management systems (CMS) that require databases, Hugo builds websites from templates and Markdown files, making it exceptionally fast and lightweight. Its benefits include:

  • Speed: Hugo can build thousands of pages in seconds.
  • Flexibility: It supports numerous content types, taxonomies, menus, and more.
  • Open-Source: Hugo is free to use and has a vibrant community for support.
  • Markdown-Based Content: Authoring content in Markdown is simple and efficient.

Understanding Front Matter CMS

In static site generators like Hugo, “front matter” refers to metadata present at the beginning of Markdown files, typically in YAML, TOML, or JSON format. This data defines attributes like the title, date, categories, tags, and more. Front Matter CMS extends this concept by providing a user-friendly interface within VS Code, enhancing content management capabilities without the need for a traditional backend system.

Key Features of Front Matter CMS

Front Matter CMS brings several advantages to the table:

  • Visual Editing: The extension offers a graphical interface to manage front matter data.
  • Git Integration: Seamless integration with Git allows for version control and collaboration.
  • Flexible Customization: Create custom fields to capture unique metadata for your site.
  • Content Organization: Easily manage posts, pages, and taxonomies.

Why Use Visual Studio Code for Front Matter CMS with Hugo?

Visual Studio Code is a widely used code editor, known for its speed, powerful extensions, and rich developer tools. Here’s why combining it with Hugo and Front Matter CMS makes sense:

  • Seamless Workflow: Work directly on your Hugo site and see changes instantly.
  • Rich Extensions: Plugins and extensions for Hugo and Markdown streamline development.
  • Integrated Terminal: Run Hugo commands without switching between applications.

Prerequisites for Getting Started

Before setting up, ensure you have the following:

  1. Visual Studio Code: Download and install from https://code.visualstudio.com.
  2. Hugo: Follow the official Hugo installation guide for your operating system.
  3. Front Matter CMS Extension: This can be found in the Visual Studio Code marketplace.

Setting Up a Hugo Project in Visual Studio Code

  1. Install Hugo: Use your terminal to install Hugo (e.g., on macOS: brew install hugo).

  2. Create a New Hugo Site:

    hugo new site my-website
  3. Open the Site in VS Code: Navigate to your site directory and open it using VS Code.

Initial Configuration: Edit config.toml (or YAML/JSON equivalent) to define basic settings such as the title, base URL, and theme.

Installing Front Matter CMS Extension in Visual Studio Code

  1. Go to the Extensions pane in VS Code (Ctrl+Shift+X / Cmd+Shift+X).
  2. Search for “Front Matter CMS” and click “Install.”
  3. Open the Front Matter panel (Ctrl+Shift+P / Cmd+Shift+P -> Front Matter: Open Panel) to configure settings and start managing content.

Managing Content Using Front Matter CMS
With the extension installed, creating content is easier:

  • New Posts and Pages: Create using templates with metadata pre-filled.
  • Metadata Management: Categorize and tag posts, adjust visibility, or set publish dates directly in the VS Code UI.

Customizing the Front Matter Fields
Customize fields to add more structured data:

  1. Open Settings: Use the Front Matter panel.
  2. Add Custom Fields: Define fields to capture unique data like “author” or “summary.”
  3. Use Consistently: Apply these across all posts to maintain data consistency.

Previewing and Testing Your Hugo Site Locally
Run the Hugo server to see changes live:

hugo server

Visit the provided local URL to view your site. Any changes to content or front matter fields are instantly reflected.

Integrating Git and Version Control
Using Git in your Hugo project is essential for:

  • Collaboration: Share and work with team members.
  • Version History: Track changes and roll back if necessary.
  • Backup: Secure your project in remote repositories like GitHub.

Best Practices for Using Front Matter CMS with Hugo

  1. Optimize Metadata: Ensure all fields provide meaningful SEO value.
  2. Organize Content: Use consistent folder and naming conventions.
  3. Regular Backups: Keep backups of your entire site, including content and configuration.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Broken Build?: Check for syntax errors in front matter or missing fields.
  • Extension Issues: Restart VS Code or update the extension if functionality seems broken.


Combining Front Matter CMS, Hugo, and Visual Studio Code offers an efficient workflow for building and managing static websites. With this powerful stack, you can create, edit, and organize content seamlessly, all while enjoying the speed and flexibility of Hugo. Explore, experiment, and master this powerful trio to take your static site development to the next level.

Last modified 13.01.2025: formating changes. (a0ec299)