Understanding Tail Recursion in Kotlin

Learn how tail recursion works in Kotlin and its benefits for performance optimization

Tail recursion is an important optimization technique in functional programming that Kotlin supports through its tailrec modifier. This comprehensive guide explores tail recursion, its benefits, implementation, and best practices in Kotlin.

What is Tail Recursion?

Tail recursion is a special case of recursion where the recursive call is the last operation in a function. When a function is tail-recursive, the compiler can optimize it to use constant stack space, effectively converting the recursion into a loop.

Basic Syntax

tailrec fun factorial(n: Long, accumulator: Long = 1): Long {
    return when (n) {
        0L, 1L -> accumulator
        else -> factorial(n - 1, n * accumulator)

Understanding the Difference

Regular Recursion vs Tail Recursion

// Regular recursion - Not tail-recursive
fun factorial1(n: Long): Long {
    return if (n <= 1) 1
    else n * factorial1(n - 1) // Must wait for recursive call to complete

// Tail recursion - Tail-recursive
tailrec fun factorial2(n: Long, accumulator: Long = 1): Long {
    return when (n) {
        0L, 1L -> accumulator
        else -> factorial2(n - 1, n * accumulator) // Last operation is the recursive call

Benefits of Tail Recursion

1. Stack Safety

Prevents stack overflow for large recursive computations:

// May cause stack overflow for large numbers
fun regularFibonacci(n: Int): Long {
    return if (n <= 1) n.toLong()
    else regularFibonacci(n - 1) + regularFibonacci(n - 2)

// Stack safe implementation
tailrec fun fibonacci(n: Int, a: Long = 0, b: Long = 1): Long {
    return when (n) {
        0 -> a
        1 -> b
        else -> fibonacci(n - 1, b, a + b)

2. Performance

Optimized to use constant stack space:

tailrec fun sum(n: Long, accumulator: Long = 0): Long {
    return when (n) {
        0L -> accumulator
        else -> sum(n - 1, accumulator + n)

Common Use Cases

1. List Processing

sealed class List<out T> {
    object Nil : List<Nothing>()
    data class Cons<T>(val head: T, val tail: List<T>) : List<T>()

tailrec fun <T> length(list: List<T>, accumulator: Int = 0): Int {
    return when (list) {
        is List.Nil -> accumulator
        is List.Cons -> length(list.tail, accumulator + 1)

2. Tree Traversal

data class TreeNode<T>(
    val value: T,
    val left: TreeNode<T>? = null,
    val right: TreeNode<T>? = null

// Tail-recursive in-order traversal
tailrec fun <T> inOrderTraversal(
    node: TreeNode<T>?,
    stack: MutableList<TreeNode<T>> = mutableListOf(),
    result: MutableList<T> = mutableListOf()
): List<T> {
    return when {
        node == null && stack.isEmpty() -> result
        node == null -> {
            val current = stack.removeAt(stack.lastIndex)
            inOrderTraversal(current.right, stack, result)
        else -> {
            inOrderTraversal(node.left, stack, result)

3. String Processing

tailrec fun reverseString(
    str: String,
    index: Int = str.length - 1,
    accumulator: String = ""
): String {
    return if (index < 0) accumulator
    else reverseString(str, index - 1, accumulator + str[index])

Advanced Patterns

1. Mutual Recursion

class EvenOddChecker {
    tailrec fun isEven(n: Int): Boolean {
        return when (n) {
            0 -> true
            else -> isOdd(n - 1)

    tailrec fun isOdd(n: Int): Boolean {
        return when (n) {
            0 -> false
            else -> isEven(n - 1)

2. Continuation Passing Style

tailrec fun <T, R> traverse(
    list: List<T>,
    continuation: (List<T>, List<R>) -> List<R>,
    accumulated: List<R> = emptyList()
): List<R> {
    return when (list) {
        is List.Nil -> continuation(list, accumulated)
        is List.Cons -> traverse(
            accumulated + list.head

Best Practices

1. Accumulator Pattern

// Converting non-tail recursive to tail recursive using accumulator
tailrec fun gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return if (b == 0) a
    else gcd(b, a % b)

tailrec fun power(base: Int, exponent: Int, accumulator: Int = 1): Int {
    return when (exponent) {
        0 -> accumulator
        else -> power(base, exponent - 1, accumulator * base)

2. Stack Management

class StackSafeOperations {
    tailrec fun processLargeList(
        items: List<String>,
        processed: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
    ): List<String> {
        return when {
            items.isEmpty() -> processed
            else -> {
                processLargeList(items.drop(1), processed)

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

1. Non-Tail Recursive Patterns

// Not tail-recursive
fun badSum(list: List<Int>): Int {
    return when (list) {
        is List.Nil -> 0
        is List.Cons -> list.head + badSum(list.tail) // Not tail-recursive

// Converted to tail-recursive
tailrec fun goodSum(list: List<Int>, acc: Int = 0): Int {
    return when (list) {
        is List.Nil -> acc
        is List.Cons -> goodSum(list.tail, acc + list.head)

2. Multiple Recursive Calls

// Not tail-recursive due to multiple recursive calls
fun badFibonacci(n: Int): Long {
    return if (n <= 1) n.toLong()
    else badFibonacci(n - 1) + badFibonacci(n - 2)

// Converted to tail-recursive
tailrec fun goodFibonacci(
    n: Int,
    current: Long = 0,
    next: Long = 1
): Long {
    return when (n) {
        0 -> current
        else -> goodFibonacci(n - 1, next, current + next)


Tail recursion in Kotlin provides a powerful way to write recursive functions that are both stack-safe and efficient. Key points to remember:

  1. Use the tailrec modifier to ensure tail recursion optimization
  2. Convert regular recursion to tail recursion using accumulators
  3. Ensure the recursive call is the last operation
  4. Consider tail recursion for processing large data structures
  5. Watch out for common pitfalls like multiple recursive calls

When used appropriately, tail recursion can help you write more efficient and safer recursive functions while maintaining the elegance of functional programming patterns.

Last modified 25.02.2025: new content (22c41b1)